Friday 11 December 2009

The importance and qualities of the good investigative journalist

The importance of the good investigative journalist,especially in China, is to reveal the abuse of power in public services and the harm done to individuals in our society.

 Good investigative journalists use the media to call on more people to join together, thus finding a solution for the better. Or with their help, justice can finally come to those who are treated unfairly earlier.

They discover something wrong first, then investigate it and expose it in press or broadcasting. When the problem comes into public attention by the media, the government will be pushed to put efforts to solve it.

In fact, compared with economic growth, there are more important issues that need to be addressed, such as violation of human rights, government corruption, social injustice, etc. Only relying on the government itself can not tackle all of the developing problems. In addition, NGOs in China are not well developed.

At this moment, investigative journalists become an important power to contribute to a citizen society.

Investigative journalism demands different qualities from the reporter than other types of journalism.

First good investigative journalists should have the capability of evaluating potential investigative stories, knowing what to investigate. Investigative reporting is expensive in terms of time and resources after all.

Good investigative journalists also should be able to handle the dilemma of anonymous sources.

On the one hand, relying on anonymous sources is risky especially when journalists only have one anonymous source. On the other hand, sometimes breaking news is inside the very one anonymous source. When good investigative journalists “source” the information from the anonymous, they should have the capability to tell how reliable the source is.

It is also an important quality of good investigative journalists that they should have the capability of protecting themselves.

In some cases, investigations are dangerous tasks. An investigative report may involve an immense petrol corporation or a powerful local governor. They will hinder investigations by threats or violence.

In addition, given the context of China, there might be restrictions from the central government on such negative reports. Good investigative journalists should be able to find a clever angle to report such story.

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