Saturday 24 December 2011

I don't want to complain but...

It is an unpleasant week or even month. I felt quite depressed. Not too much work to do since managers are busy filing. No progress in studying not because I am not hard working it is because the more I read the study materials, the less confident I feel- the more I don't understand. Thinking of the two headache exams ahead, I can't go to sleep!

I might just think too much. I wonder whether you had such feeling. You really want to do something well. But no matter how hard you try, it never works in the way you want. You absolutely frustrated!

I want to do well in my ACA qualification exams. Currently I am still doing the very easy part. Not easy to admit this but I used to be an above-average student in the class. Now I found every single subject difficult to tackle. When I saw others making progress all the time I became very impatient.

The tough terms become very very annoying. Hate to say the cliche again but English holds me back quite a lot! I don't understand what 'give rise to' mean when I refer to the question answer explanation. The online dictionary said it means to cause something to exist. So how should I understand 'give rise to an agency by estoppel'?- BTW I don't understand estoppel either and auto spelling check does not know either by showing a red underline!

Sadly it is quite an impossible thing to share since people who are able to understand my situation have no patient to listen and people who could listen can not help. I don't know which I prefer- a person to listen or a person to teach me in practice...

Trouble deprives from the desire beyond my ability. I want a good skill of excel/ AS2, good exam skills in ACA and a good relationship with my colleges.

Looking for a solution.
Need Help.
Don't want any more stress!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Su,

    You are not alone in facing challenges, I hear you :-) I hope you have found a way to manage your stress as you are evidently very determined and appears you are working hard at breaking down obstacles while taking the effort to observe your environment. Don't be too hard on yourself for thinking too much, there are worse traits :-) Keep smiling..

    Hope to chat some time,

